Dr. Craig B. Liden, Founder and Director of TRANShealth, a non-profit organization that promotes the awareness and acceptance of ADD/ADHD, is an internationally recognized expert in the diagnosis and treatment of ADD/ADHD. He is a board certified physician who graduated with honors from the University of Michigan and the Ohio State University College of Medicine.
After completing his pediatric training and a postdoctoral fellowship at the Harvard University Medical School/Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Dr. Liden served on the faculty at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine where he started the Child Development Unit and spent years researching ADD/ADHD, training pediatric and psychiatry residents and other post doctoral students, and establishing a fellowship program in developmental and behavioral pediatrics.
Since the 1980′s, Dr. Liden has been in private practice evaluating and treating behavior and developmental issues across the life span. He has treated nearly 10,000 patients with ADD/ADHD and related co-morbidities.
Dr. Liden has written and lectured extensively about ADD/ADHD, education, individual differences and a variety of health problems. He was invited to present a lecture entitled “TRANSACT: Toward a Standard of Care for ADD” at the first international conference on ADD in Jerusalem, Israel. Dr. Liden’s book, Pay Attention! Answers to Common Questions about the Diagnosis and Treatment of Attention Deficit Disorder, has been acclaimed a “must have resource” for parents of children with ADD/ADHD, adults with ADD/ADHD, and medical, educational, and counseling professionals. His most recent publication, Accommodations for Success: Creating 504 Agreements and IEPs for Children with ADD/ADHD, is a ground-breaking guide to tailoring educational plans to a child’s unique needs.
Dr. Liden frequently speaks at local, national, international conferences and for private groups. He currently serves as the Medical Director of The Being Well Center in Pittsburgh, PA.
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